Learn the Foundations of What We Do as Partners in Shared Decision-Making and Governance

Gain the knowledge and tools to confidently advise your Head Start Program as Policy Groups or Board Members. Learn the importance of on-going monitoring, setting strategic goals, establishing effective governance structures, and driving positive change within your organization.

Test Your Knowledge of Performance Standards and Best Practices in Grant Management

Learn the guidelines of Program Governance set by the Office of Head Start through a review of the Performance Standards related to Program Governance.  Learn the rules and best practices for the management of a federal grant through a review of OMB circulars and fiscal oversight guidelines. 

Become Practitioners of Effective and Efficient Meetings for Policy Groups and Parent Committees

Equip your Policy Group and Parent Committee leaders with the skills and resources they need to excel. Learn how to foster a culture of self-efficacy among your parents, providing professional development opportunities, and ensuring your parent and policy group leaders goals are aligned with your program's goals.

Unlock the Power of Effective Governance

Join our Program Governance Course to unlock the power of effective governance for your Head Start Program. Gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead with purpose and drive success within your organization.

Meet Your Course Creator, Nadine Owens Burton

Hi there! I'm Nadine  I consider myself a long-term member of the Head Start Family.  I have over two decades of experience working in and with Head Start Programs. I am passionate about empowering program leaders like you to achieve excellence through effective governance practices. I started my relationship with Head Start in 2002 as a Head Start Director in a community action agency in Maryland.  I started Owens Burton Consulting part-time on 2005 and then jumped into entrepreneurship full time in 2007 and my first major client was the Maryland Head Start Association, for whom I acted as their part-time Executive Director, building their capacity to be able to hire a full-time executive director. Since its start in 2005, the primary focus for my business -- Owens Burton Consulting -- has been empowering non-profits, but especially Head Start programs, to be better tomorrow than they were today.  One of my favorite workshops and seminars to present are the ones regarding Head Start Program Governance.  I am a firm believer that when done well, Head Start Program Governance is one of the best leadership development programs in existence.  I hope you agree with me and will give your parent leaders, staff, governing board members and stakeholders the "gift" of an informative and inspirational program governance training experience.  

Course Curriculum

  1. 1

    Introduction to Program Governance

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)
    3. (Included in full purchase)
  2. 2

    Head Start Program Governance Performance Standards

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)
  3. 3

    Spending Federal Funds - Fiscal Management Best Practices

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)
  4. 4

    Effective and Efficient Meetings

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)

Ready to Transform Your Head Start Program Governance Programming?

Enroll your parents, staff, board members, and community partners in my Program Governance Course today to revolutionize the way you lead and manage your Head Start Program Governance Programming. Take the first step towards sustainable success and exponential impact!
